Fetal Growth 2018

Milan, Italy

1 - 3 October 2018

Post-meeting note from the organisers

We would like to thank all participants for making this year’s conference a successful, informative and enjoyable event. A special thank you to our faculty and all speakers for the many excellent presentations.  An electronic version of the abstract book is now available here:  

With a record number of registrations (280) and abstracts (110) this year, it was a challenge to get through all the material in 2 days, while also allocating sufficient time for interactive discussions and examination of the evidence. As many of you suggested, with this level of interest we may well need to increase the length of future conferences to 2.5 or 3 days.

The many quality abstracts tested the judges - but in the end they reached an easy consensus about two outstanding presentations, each awarded a winners’ certificate and €250:
Best oral presentation:  Abstract O5.4 
Jens Henrichs & Viki Verfaille – Amsterdam University Medical Centres, Netherlands
‘Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of routine third trimester ultrasound screening:
the IUGR risk selection study’
.....a national cluster RCT questioning the benefits of routine third trimester ultrasound biometry in low risk pregnancy
Best poster-short oral presentation: Abstract PO 9.10
Tamara Stampalija – Institute of Maternal and Child Health, Trieste, Italy, et al
Uterine and umbilical vein blood flow volume in fetuses with inappropriate growth for gestational age and normal doppler velocimetry
.....demonstrating the value of uterine artery and umbilical vein Doppler in cases not identified as SGA by local population birthweight standard.

As in previous years, we do not put slides online, as many presentations contained unpublished material. However, you are welcome to contact presenters for specific information – if you write to admin@fetalgrowth.org, we will relay your request to the respective authors.

Place and date of next meeting: Berlin, Germany, 9-11 October 2019. Details to follow.

....and finally - a big thank you to the tireless support team, multitasking on the registration desk, audience microphones, speakers’ slides, presenting own work, and pre-congress workshops:

Marianna Mancini’s
bilingual workshop

Oliver Hugh, Emma Hassan, Mandy Williams, Chiara C, Sue Turner, Patrizia Vergani, Jason Gardosi