We look forward to welcoming you at the 6th International Conference on Fetal Growth, to be held in the beautiful Fota Island Resort, Cork, Ireland.
As new evidence continues to emerge, there is an ongoing need to examine its validity and implication - for clinical practice, quality improvement and further research. Our conference programme will allow a multidisciplinary, in depth examination of the clinical, public health and patient safety issues concerning fetal growth.
This year’s conference is organised by the Perinatal Institute in partnership with the Irish National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre. The meeting is scheduled to coincide with this year's meeting of the International Stillbirth Alliance (ISA): http://isacork2017.com which will also be held in Cork, immediately after FG17.
We hope you will be able to join us, for what promises to be a highly educational and enjoyable meeting.
Organising Committee |

Richard Greene
Cork, Ireland

Jason Gardosi
Birmingham, UK

Lesley McCowan
Auckland, NZ

Francesc Figueras
Barcelona, Spain

Ahmet Baschat
Baltimore, USA